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Have been playing Starship Troopers Extermination. It’s in Early access, and it’s a Co Op FPS.

Am a long fan of the movie(s) and the first and best movie is always a good re-watch. I maxed out my Bastion ( the Tank class) in easy mode, ( with a couple of normal’s) and have been playing hard mode now that I need to worry less about points, and more about being a better solider, this means I die more, and there has been some occasions where I haven’t made it back to the drop ship, and re spawning is disabled.

I’ve only played a little Hunter, and more of the Operator ( the support/heal class) The operators initial Weapon is a little more powerful, has a good sight and after running around after people trying to heal them by injecting healing sims settled for the Ammo pack, leveling is faster on the Operator because you get points for mission, bugs and support, and a unless you are rezzing fallen comrades you won’t get as many support points on a Bastion. The Operator has a little healing bot on cool down, and ammo utility that can be reloaded.

Couple of pain points, I don’t like the build Function you need to go into a build mode, and then toggle between a place and a repair mode, and the selection to scroll between what to build is another key selection. I did try the advanced build option to build /repair faster and it does come in handy in Hardmode but the actual build function you need to place the template in one mode, and then repair to actually build the wall in another.

I have had bad games because people do not know what to place where, and are building non aligned structures or a short wall in a place that really should have been a bunker or vice versa, or worse case can’t make up their mind what to build so the timer ticks down and the base is overun by bugs before we have even got really started. This gets better with practice, and I would prefer to follow a person setting up the build templates so I can create what they are placing which is more efficient, but requires a little more co-ordination. The training mod is worth doing a couple of times just to get more confident with the Build tool.

In normal/hard mode you can pick up a grenade launcher and I watched a player empty one of the precious Ammo refills by wasting all the charges and refilling his ammo. Then he proceeded to shoot his team mates with it.

There is no oceanic servers yet so we are playing in US – which means the oceanic people are playing our peak time, and we see more US based people during day. US people are a little more talkative. I don’t talk often, I will try and communicate big things, and the game does go so much better when there is communication and there is silly behavior in some chats, but there are more silent chats so not seen any real major toxic talk so far. I wish we could type rather then ping – but I guess if you can type your aren’t shooting or building so voice chat is still the fastest and best communication option.

If you have kept the walls up, the ARC is safe, getting to the Dropship phase is the craziest part, even in hard mode. It’s a catch 22 – you try and rez a fallen comrade you die. Hopefully you have a Operator heal bot floating near you to rez but careful doing this it can get overwhelming fast. However rather then getting in the drop ship and heading to the back, so that everyone is onboard and can leave early,( and I believe more points) people try to rack up bug kills ( and cause friendly fire, by running around back and forth in the door way shooting like maniacs – I hope that if there is ever a friendly fire penalty introduced this will stop this, but also honestly it’s also the most ‘fun’. You’ve met the objective, you are safe near the drop ship and now its a free for all on the bugs.

I like playing Bastion – with extra mags and a healing beacon which means I can really dig in and defend a space. I ended up swapping out my extra mags for the enhanced build tool, but I think I will keep playing with the options.

So I guess for initial advice:

  • DO NOT STAND IN THE DROP ZONE – red flare and a base landing on your head often means death unless you are a Bastion and you have your Shield wall ability up.
  • On hard mode – Build Layers, LAYERS OF WALLS – you will need them. Protect the ARC at all costs, which also means get our your build tool and repair those walls. The bugs will keep coming, a wall stops or slows the waves.
  • Rez your friends and team mates (revive) – the spawn time is a little slow and when respawn is disabled you get more points the more people who succeed.
  • Build ramps and walls. You need to be able to get up to the wall to defend it. ( also build walls facing the right way….. there is a handy arrow in the Build tool.
  • Priority Targets – Lazer bugs ( the Gunners that shoot a red line at you and if you don’t LOS it it will destroy you very quickly on hardmode) Plasma Grenadiers (Big blue Plasma shooting bugs) don’t be too close when they blow up because they will take you down. ( I was also expecting orange goo – thanks Johhny ! ) Tigers and Tiger Elites which will land on your face and stab you to death even with a shield up. On hard mode you will get all three on the same wall, and within the first 1 min of the last stand your walls are gone.
  • Don’t fall out the drop ship. It’s exciting getting some extra bug kills in, but if it leaves and you are on the ramp you will fall off and your team will get less points.
  • YES you get a knife in a Nuke fight – I use it when I have a pesky little bug and swapping mags is too slow

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